Monthly Archives: June, 2016

Inshes Football Team

Well Done to Primary 5 Inshes Football team! All players received a medal for their hard work this year and some players even managed to win a special football boot award! Keep up the great work đŸ™‚Â Go Inshes!!!

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Primary 5 Talent Show

On Wednesday Primary 5 had a party where we got to go to the park, had a picnic and held a talent show. It was lots of fun! Some people danced, did signing, did football tricks and magic. Primary 5 are very talented!!! đŸ™‚

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This term in primary 5A we have been looking after 5 caterpillars. We watched them grow from tiny caterpillars the size of a grain of rice to big beautiful butterflies. We fed them with apples, flowers and sugar. It was great fun taking them outside and releasing them!

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