Monthly Archives: November, 2015

Remembrance Day and Children in Need

This week  we  have been very busy with two events 2 minute silence and pudsey day!!! We have been learning a bit about World War 1 and 2 and it sounded horrible. On Wednesday the 11th at 11 o’clock we had a 2 minute silence to remember all of those who died in the war. We …

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The  SSPCA came to see us on Wednesday 27th of October to tell us about  the animals they save. We played a game and you had to guess what animal it was, by seeing it’s foot prints, its fur and its habitat. He showed us a power point about how they look after the animals …

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Happy Halloween

We hope everyone had a fun Halloween this weekend! On Thursday 29th October  Inshes had a Halloween disco!  At  the disco we had treats, refreshments and lots of other fun things. It’s only £1.50 to get in but if you bring extra money there are other things you can buy. You could also request a …

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