Monthly Archives: September, 2015


On Friday it was ECO day . First we went on a 3D shape hunt in Inshes park. After we were allowed to play in the park. It was FUN!!! As soon as break was done we had to plant flowers in the playground planters.We then did some funny portraits with P5B . We had …

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Circus Skills

Last week we took part in a Circus Skills and Gaelic workshop. The first circus skills was juggling, which we did with scarves then balls. We loved doing the circus skills, it was great. Another skill we learnt was balancing a peacock feather on our chin. It was fun but easy. While doing this we …

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Welcome to P5A Blog

P5A have been working very well these past 4 weeks. We have learnt how to juggle in circus skills, we also have started something called healthy hearts. Primary 4-7 run around Inshes park while the primary 1-3 run around the schools track. We are doing this to improve our health and fitness. Our class topic …

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